Help support the Chagrin History Center by donating to our Annual Fund!
2024 has been a year of celebration and growth! We hosted several programs for learners of all ages, created new exhibits to showcase Chagrin’s vast history, successfully facilitated the Historic Chagrin Falls Home & Garden Tour and Spirits Alive! Guided Tour of Evergreen Hill Cemetery, celebrated our 75th anniversary at our annual gala, and finished construction on the Barriball Carriage House.
So far this year we have welcomed 2,728 adults and 705 people under 18 (includes programs, meetings, museum visits, and more). It is the continued support of community members like you that has played a vital role in enabling us to fulfill our mission to collect, preserve, and share Chagrin history with all of those people. We have been blessed by your generosity through donations and volunteer time. We would not be able to keep moving forward without all of your efforts.
The impact of your gift, no matter the size, matters. Together we can do even more in 2025.
Click the Donate button below.