The Chagrin Falls Historical Society and Museum presents the Chagrin Falls Community 4th of July Celebration! In partnership with Safe Routes Chagrin and the D.A.R. please join us beginning at 8:30am for a fun and family friendly day of events in Triangle Park!
Schedule of Events for Thursday, July 4, 2019
8:30am Registration for Bike Parade sponsored by Safe Routes Chagrin
9:00am Bike Parade begins
9:00am Registration for Pet Parade sponsored by PetPeople
9:30am Pet Parade begins on sidewalk around Triangle Park
9:30am Crooked River Fife and Drum Band
10:00am 4th of July Ceremony presented by the D.A.R.
10:45am Ceremony ends, family games in the Triangle
11:00am Refreshment Stands Open – Jaycees and Popcorn Shop
11:00am Fab Fourth Car Show
11:00pm Music provided by Bob Shimits -Firehouse Rock
2:00pm All activities done, Happy 4th!
During the festivities, the USO Northern Ohio West Geauga Care Package Facility – will gladly accept donations of the following most needed items: Toothbrushes, Toothpaste; Jerky/Slim-Jims; Individual water flavoring powder packets; Lip Gloss; Eye Glass cleaner packets. They will have a table on the Triangle where you can drop off your donations.
Thank you to our Sponsors and Community Partners: Chagrin Valley Chamber of Commerce; Chagrin Valley Jaycees; Chagrin Falls Police Department; Molly Chittenden Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution; Highway Garage and Auto Body Center; PetPeople; Safe Routes Chagrin; Bob Shimits; USO Northern Ohio West Geauga Care Package Facility; Village of Chagrin Falls; Tod White.