Grove Hill was so named because of the grove of Maple trees that was located along the top of the hill. Historically, Grove Hill encompassed the area from where Summit intersects with Chagrin Blvd on the west, to North Street on the East. The first resident on Grove Hill was Noah Graves, who is credited with being the founder of Chagrin Falls. His home is depicted in a woodcut below by Jehu Brainerd.

The History of Grove Hill is intertwined with the history of Chagrin Falls. Many of the original settlers and businessmen had properties on Grove Hill.

In 1859, Westel Hunt, a tuition student at the Chagrin Falls Union School wrote an essay which included the following. ..Standing on the hill that stretches along the north of the town, we behold a beautiful village spread out before us. Looking to the East we see the upper part of town—the paper mill now in
the course of construction. Turning your eyes in different directions you behold foundries, machine, cabinet and mechanic shops of various descriptions. Nor is this all, for here is situated one of the great wonders of the age. The shoe peg factory that furnishes shoe pegs to the thousands scattered up and down our land. Various other articles for the comfort and use of mankind are manufactured here.