Historic Districts
Chagrin Falls West Side Historic District
Bounded by Franklin, Maple, Church, and East Washington Streets, this district was established October 9, 1974.

Chagrin Falls Historical Society & Museum Photograph Collection, 2015.17.23, donated by Jane Babinsky.
Chagrin Falls Triangle Park Commercial District
Chagrin Falls Triangle Park Commercial District Main, Franklin, & Washington Sts. also at the junction of N. Main and E. Orange Sts. extending East & South. This district was established Oct. 1, 1974.

Chagrin Falls East Side Historic District
East Washington and Philomethian Sts. This district was established June 14, 2013

Historic Places
Township Hall established Aug 1, 1974
Joseph Stoneman House, Established May 29, 1975
George March House, Established April 20, 1978
Falls River Road, Established April 28, 2000
Adams Bag Company Paper Mill and Sack Factory, Established July 3, 2012