Visit us at the Chagrin Falls Historical Society to see our new exhibit in our rotating gallery- “Innovations: Change for the Better”. Take a walk down memory lane and marvel at the history and innovation that has taken place. This exhibit is currently running and will end on Saturday, May 2, 2020.
To innovate means to introduce something new to make changes. The desire to make things easier, faster, or more efficient was often the motivation for change. Changes were perhaps made in small increments, but it made a big difference in the lives of the homemaker, farmer, businessman, mill worker, etc. When you view the innovations made decade by decade perhaps the changes are small. But when viewed across the century, the changes are HUGE! This exhibit features objects from our collections with additional objects on loan.
Admission to the museum is free but donations are appreciated. The museum has new open hours! We are open for visitors on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 11am-3pm and on Thursdays from 2-7pm.