We are excited to announce that we have changed our name from the Chagrin Falls Historical Society & Museum to Chagrin History Center!
The conversation to change the name began as early as 2013 in our strategic planning process but it wasn’t until another strategic planning session in 2022 that we started making the changes. The Board identified three main goals for the organization. The first goal was to enhance our capacity to provide services that reach broader segments of our community. One of the steps to achieve that goal was rebranding.
A “Rebranding Task Force” was created with Bob Norwick, Marnie Albers, Carolyn Sihler, Ivan Nassif, Hunter Walter, and Ruth Zeager. The new name and logo were presented to the Board of Trustees in 2023 and were unanimously approved.
- The name change is in line with current trends in historical institutions, moving away from the term “societies”.
- As Chagrin History Center continues to evolve, the organization’s logo required updating.
- The new logo is clean and easy to read.
- The “H” and two arrows represent the organization’s core mission of celebrating history.
- Our legal name is still Chagrin Falls Historical Society. Our DBA or tradename is Chagrin History Center.
As Chagrin History Center continues to evolve, the organization’s logo required updating.
The wordmark or “text” logo represents a simple solution. The new logo and font set balances many modern demands, such as that logos must be clean and easy to read, while including subtle visual references to crafts and architecture that offer clear connections to the organization’s core mission of celebrating history.
History-based organizations nationwide are rethinking, rebranding and even at times, renaming their “societies” to better align with contemporary sensibilities.
Brand Attributes:
- Recognizable– Quickly communicates “History”
- Active– Arrows framing the “H” create a sense of time movement…past, present, future
- Bold– Simple design exudes confidence, sense of purpose, familiarity, multi-faceted organization
- Typesets– History is a continuum ranging from detailed to simple
We are very excited to transition into this new chapter of our organizations long and storied history!