How are Chagrin Valley residents responding to COVID-19?

Fill out this Google Form answering the questions (all or some of them is fine) OR you can respond from some of the prompts below and emailing them to Ruth at
WHO: All ages! As long as you live in the Chagrin Valley
WHAT: As Chagrin Valley residents react to new policies and recommendations aimed to restrict the virus’ spread, we would like to document and preserve the materials and stories that demonstrate how you are continuing to communicate, work, teach, create, pray, celebrate, mourn, and give aid to others. Tell us your story or consider what objects or recordings represent the experiences and observations that have stood out to you. How are you and your family members spending your time? What do you regard as your biggest challenges? Was there a moment when you realized a historic event was taking place? The stories and materials we collect will allow all of us to study and share these experiences in the future. You can help us by donating physical materials or submit digital content.
We welcome photos of yourself and your family during this time. These will be relevant for our extensive photo archive. Did you decorate your home with a message for healthcare workers? Did your kids put their artwork in the window? Send us pictures of your family game night or other indoor activities. Did you take a screenshot of a Zoom video chat with your friends and family? Did you make your dining room table a classroom for your kids? Send us pictures of every day quarantine life!
WHEN: This is an ongoing project. Please submit as little or as much as you want, there is no deadline.
HOW: Email your stories and pictures to Ruth at
Here are some starter questions but please do not feel limited to just answering these questions:
-What are you doing to stay busy during quarantine?
-How has the quarantine affected your life?
-What is your work situation like during quarantine?
-How are you doing with home school?
-How do you feel about missing the last part of your school year?
-How is your family celebrating birthdays, graduations, and other milestones during quarantine?
-With whom are you quarantined?
-What experiences have you had shopping for food or other items?
-Do you know anyone who tested positive for the virus?
-What do you think life will be like in a year?
-What was your experience with any scheduled doctor’s appointments?

Contribution Guidelines and Terms:
All donations whether physical or digital are discussed and decided on by our Collections Committee. You will be asked to fill out a Temporary Custody Form for the item when you give the item to us. If we accept the item, you will be sent a donation form to fill out and return to our Curator. Please contact us at 440-247-4695 or with any questions!
• All accepted items will be made available for public research by the Chagrin Falls Historical Society & Museum.
• By signing the donation consent form, you are granting the Chagrin Falls Historical Society & Museum non-exclusive (shared), royalty-free license to preserve, modify, and share your content for public research, educational use, exhibits, or publication, including in print or online.
• The Chagrin Falls Historical Society & Museum reserves the right to remove content that it considers duplicated, inappropriate, or outside the scope of this project. The Historical Society is not obligated to include your content in this project or preserve it in perpetuity.
• Please only submit photographic, audio, or video material which you own or have created.
The health and safety of our visitors, volunteers, and staff remains our top priority. In compliance with the recommendations of state officials to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Chagrin Falls Historical Society & Museum will remain temporarily closed to the public until further notice.