Ruth Zeager
Executive Director
Ruth has been the Executive Director of the Chagrin History Center since 2018, in which time she has showed herself to be a true Renaissance Woman of the museum world.

Pat Zalba
Pat has been Curator at the Chagrin History Center for over 50 years and knows not only the museum, but Chagrin Falls itself inside and out.

Sally Hawkins
Assistant Curator
Our assistant curator, Sally, has been with the Chagrin History Center for nearly a decade and lends her boundless energy to anywhere that is needed in the museum.

Zo Sykora
Since 2006, Zo has been the Photo Archivist, before stepping into the role of Archivist in 2024. In the 16 years since assuming her post, she has digitized and catalogued over 14,000 photos.

Marnie Albers
Special Projects Coordinator
Marnie is the Special Projects Coordinator, aiding in bringing to life all exhibitions and events that Chagrin History Center puts on.

Carolyn Sihler
Carolyn has been a fixture at Chagrin History Center for over 20 years. Her expertise in book keeping, accounting, and event planning make the CHC ship run smoothly every day.

Ken Kvacek
Facilities Manager
Ken is the Facilities Manager and is also actively involved with other organizations in Chagrin Falls including the Village Council and Jaycees.

John Bourisseau
John has been a key player at the Chagrin History Center since 2010, serving as the President of the Board of Trustees, editor of the Exponent newsletter, and historian in residence.

Maggie Wilson
Museum Assistant
Maggie is the Museum Assistant and wears many different hats in her role. She can be found greeting guests in the museum, creating amazing social media content, and assisting with museum collections.
Board of Trustees
President: Dennis Barriball
Vice President: Ivan Nassif
Treasurer: Robert Norwick
Secretary: Julia Lipp
Ben Brigeman
Carol Dolan
Casey Forbes
Jennifer Ganger
Ken Kvacek
Ted McQuade
Matt Murphy
Paul Neidhardt
Hunter Walter Scott Wells Barb Wynveen
Committee Chairs
Century Home Plaques: Beth Skeel
Collections: Pat Zalba
Education: Vacant
Exhibits: Pat Zalba & Ruth Zeager
Garden: Kim Kanzinger
Home Tour: Julia Lipp
Hospitality: Jeff & Patti Widmar
Newsletter: John Bourisseau
Oral History: Carol Dolan & Connie Miller
Scholarship: John Bourisseau
Special Events: Sally Hawkins & Carolyn Sihler