Check out our latest exhibit in the rotating exhibit gallery at the Chagrin Falls Historical Society & Museum. “Unveiling the Unseen” shows you the hidden treasures from the basement of the museum. Many of these items have rarely, if ever, been on display due to their size or fragility. This exhibit will run from October 23, 2021, through January 29, 2022. Admission to the museum is free but donations are appreciated.
During this exhibit you will see a few “Help Me” signs. These are objects that need extra care which only conservation professionals can provide. To view these objects online click here. Visitors will be able to donate any amount to a specific object that catches their eye, or we encourage you to make a general donation to our Conservation Fund. To make a donation online click here or contact Ruth at 440-247-4695.
Unveiling the Unseen: Chagrin’s Hidden Attic on Display
October 23 through January 29
Free Admission but donations are appreciated
Museum Hours:
Thursday 2-7pm
Friday and Saturday 11am-3pm
Or by appointment
COVID-19 GUIDELINES: Masks are optional but encouraged.
We ask visitors to sign in at the door and keep socially distant while in the museum.